Hello, I am Debora Levyh

I live and work in Brussels, and travel mostly without moving.

After I dedicated to architecture for a while, I now make documental installations and non-narrative fiction.
I am interested in communities of practices, possible forms of the living, non-prescriptive sensorialities, the unspeakable and the unsaid, the psychoactive effects of speech, the tangible materiality of language, among others things.

I recently published Distillat N°2, a part of my large collection of smelly textual fragments in Sabir vol.4.

In august, my fiction La version is going to be published.

In june, we disassembeld our installation Cosmic Foam traditions No.1 we made with my friend Claire Williams in Constant V, just after we had that talk. This installation is part of our long-term research Les Æthers.

Before that, I worked with my other friends ayoh kré duchâtelet, Lionel Maes and Antoine Wang on LATOS, OTLAS and Dynamic Lockdown. With Antoine, we also made a while ago God name it Moly.

I have also been taking time to create Prairie permanente with ayoh kré duchâtelet, Lionel Maes, Sophie Sénécaut, Antoine Wang and Claire Williams, in order to produce collectively our individual works.

You can contact me at
